Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Eli discovered the power of a camera remote this weekend. Before church on Sunday we had a few extra minutes and everyone was looking halfway decent, so I suggested going onto the back porch for a few family photos. Of course all of the pictures with the four of us were bad, but we got a few OK ones of me and the kids and Lehr and the kids. In between all of this, Eli was 'in charge' of the remote. He enjoyed that 'vewy' much! It carried over into after church when D came over for lunch, and then a few shots Sunday night when our company was here. When I uploaded the camera's cache, there were no less than 100 'extra' shots of Eli, or the wall, or Eli and D, or Eli pointing his hand (holding the 'mote) at the camera. Too bad flashes are so expensive, otherwise I might think of letting the tripod-ed camera and 'mote babysit him one afternoon!

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