Saturday, January 05, 2008

Hey Mike!

I've scoured the internet from Google to imdb to YouTube and back again and I cannot find the clip which spawned this family inside joke Lehr and I have. Sometime after the first Austin Powers movie came out, Mike Myers did an interview (possibly Inside the Actors Studio) during which he told of a story that happened with a fan while shooting the film. The (inebriated) fan kept calling out to Myers, saying "Hey Mike!!" Over and over again, following them for quite some time. Finally Myers gave in and yelled back to him, "WHAT?!?!" Without missing a beat, the fan responded, "Drink beer!" My storytelling is poor at best, but the original telling (per Myers) was so humorous that Lehr and I often have this call and answer whenever beer is present. Apparently we have no shame in passing that on to our kids because now, almost without fail, Eli will say "Hey Mike!" when he sees someone drinking from a beer bottle. Kids say the darnedest things!

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