Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Eli is becoming a very polite little boy, and I could not be happier about it! We are still working on not interrupting when Mommy and Daddy are talking, and he does not get the concept of standing back when someone is walking through a doorway (let alone, "Ladies first), but we're working on it. What he does get is "please". Not only does he usually require no more than a look if he asks without using the magic word, but often times now he will answer with that word alone. Example: "Eli, would you like ketchup with your garden burger?" "Please!" Love this!! Another example of his manners is something Daddy taught Eli. Usually after we sit down to dinner Lehr will prompt Eli in some way to thank me for cooking our meal. Twice this week Eli has thanked me without a prompt. Once last night at dinner (blew me away!) and once today at lunch. Today cracked me up because Eli said, "Thank you, Mommy cooking dinner." Nevermind that it wasn't dinner; it was heartfelt appreciation!


Anonymous said...

LOL!! That picture of Eli is too funny. That kid cracks me up!!!

Traci said...

I agree...this picture is hilarious!!!!! What a great personality this boy has!

Heather said...

Jeremy has taught Ryan to thank me for meals as well. Now without fail at every meal he thanks me. It is so precious!