Tuesday, February 19, 2008

First Tooth

What a rough morning Maddux had! She was not at all happy in the MOPS nursery. I was working in the toddler room next door and I could hear the poor girl crying her very very VERY tired cry that I rarely hear. I went over to help calm her for a few minutes because that was very out-of-character for her; she normally loves the church nursery! After her afternoon nap I discovered what was probably making her so unhappy: her first tooth cut!! Maddux's bottom left tooth is just barely through her gums, but I did feel it when she grabbed my finger to gnaw on as we played. Hopefully the one right next to it will cut as quickly so she can resume her happy-go-lucky disposition.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Congrats Maddux on your first tooth!