Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Send Me An Angel

I realize that by posting this I am most likely jinxing myself for tonight, and maybe tomorrow as well. But given the amount of not-so-good days recently, it's a chance I'm willing to take. (I also realize I need to start a new 'label' for these braggadocious posts, so you can be forewarned. But why have a blog if you can't brag on your kids!?!)

Eli has been outstanding today. Seriously angel-esque. I had to wake him up this morning, but he was in a great mood anyway. (He usually prefers to wake up on his own.) We had a good breakfast and only a minimal tantrum before heading off to school. Apparently his morning at JKP went well, as he came into the car smiling when I picked him up. The two of us (and Maddux) had a good time playing outside for 15 minutes before I told Eli it was time to go in for lunch. This would normally result in some resistance on Eli's part, due to hunger and fatigue mixed with his ever-strong desire to always be outside playing baseball. However, he happily hung up his bat and followed me into the kitchen. After we ate I asked him to go upstairs and pick out a book while I cleaned the kitchen. He complied without a second of hesitation and when I came upstairs, he was sitting in front of his bookshelf, thumbing through the book he chose. We read the book and he went down without a fight.

I suspected the afternoon would differ since around 3:30, Eli woke up from his nap crying. He never does that. Never. I went in after a few minutes and found the poor kid bleeding from the mouth. The bleeding gums have returned, apparently. After rocking with me in the chair for ten minutes or so, he asked to read a book. Halfway through the book I heard Maddux wake up, so I told Eli that we needed to go have some blanket time so Mommy could feed Maddux. He asked (in his own special way) if he could bring his book to the blanket to read, and he followed me to the computer room without any protest. Eli sat on his blanket and read for twenty full minutes while I tried to feed Maddux (she's being a pill, but that's another post). Here is some video of my angel (this time his furrowed brow is due to concentration, not out of anger)....days like today make me so happy I can't stand it!

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