Wednesday, September 12, 2007

De Plane! De Plane!!

Eli, Maddux and I went over to play with Cooper for a few hours before nap today. For the first time ever that I've seen, Eli and Cooper really got along. I only saw one or two toy-snatchings, and they were not that big of a deal, especially considering the way things normally go with them (c'mon, they ARE two, after all). I'm not picking on Cooper either; my rating of a good or bad visit has everything to do with Eli and how he handles himself, regardless of how the other kid(s) behave. Usually when with Cooper, Eli will snatch toys, or freak out if/when Cooper snatches them. Not so this time - hooray!!! Anyway, they played really well together, turning on and off the lights in the play room and even wrestling a little bit. Cooper was determined to smoother Eli with a pillow at one point, and Eli thought it was funny, so no harm no foul. They even had a quick match of ping-pong, though I don't think the ball ever made it back over the table after the initial serve...

After an hour of playing, we all went to the park at a small nearby airport. Eli and Cooper ate a quick picnic lunch before watching the planes take off and land. This was the first time I ever got to sit back completely and watch Eli play on the playground. The equipment wasn't too high that I had to worry about him falling, and he entertained himself enough with Cooper and a few other kids that he didn't need me to watch him do anything. Bittersweet as it means he's growing up, but it took a lot less energy from me, which was nice.

As for Eli's molars, they are definitely giving him some grief. He told me when he woke up, "Teef. Hurt." as he scrunched up his face and reached back in his mouth. I gave him a little orajel before we left this morning to head off any pain-related tantrums. Then, while at the park, he told me the same thing again, as well as three hundred times on the way home. Poor kid had some tears running down his face as we pulled into the neighborhood, but he's sleeping it off as I type.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Getting teeth stink! Pace just got 4 and he is now teething 4 more! OH the pain in that kid. He moaned during nap time today. I felt so bad. He was full of tylenol and orajel as well! Wish I could pull them in for him and end the pain!