Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Doctor, Doctor

Both kids had doctor appointments today. Eli was due for his two year and it was time for Maddux's two month. Considering it was 4PM and I had to wake both kids from naps to get to the doctor on-time, and considering Eli played in his crib for almost two full hours before finally dozing off, giving him less than an hour sleep, and considering Eli's attitude towards Mommy these days, the visit went very well. I packed a snack for him to have while we were in the exam room because I anticipated an extended appointment given they were going to see both kids at once. This was a good thing; it didn't keep his attention the whole time, but it got me through half the time!

The only concern I had for Eli going in was his two-year molars. He is so fussy and easily agitated these days (which I know has a lot to do with him being T.W.O.), and he's been drooling a little from time to time. His doctor checked and didn't see anything poking out, but she said he will probably feel pain for a month or more before they actually start to poke through and/or swell up the gums. Greeeaaat.... Eli's measurements were right on target: 26 lbs. 15 oz. and 35 1/4" tall. He's actually in the 75th percentile for height, which is higher than he's ever been. He just might escape the short gene from my family yet! No shots for Eli fact, no more shots until he's four, so that was good news!

Maddux has had a watery/gunky eye for almost a month now. Eli had the same thing when he was a baby and it was (only) a blocked tear duct, so I haven't worried too much. I did bring it up to the doctor though and she told me just to keep an eye on it (ha ha). The other question I had for her today was about a small cough Maddux seemed to have picked up yesterday. It didn't sound bad to me, but it didn't sound 'right' either. The doctor listened to her lungs and checked her ears, nose, and throat and found nothing, so for now no worries. She did ask me if I noticed Maddux having a preference on which side she rests her head. As a matter of fact, I told her, she has a very strong preference to rest her head on the right. I only noticed it because it is the same side as the watery eye, and I thought that might be related. The doc said her right side (head) is slightly flatter, but nothing to be concerned about. She said to keep doing what I'm doing, which is 'forcing' her to rest it on the other side when I can. Then the doctor got a good look at how hard it is to do that (force Maddux to keep her head on the left side) when she went to look in her ears. It's not that she can't move her neck to look over her left shoulder, she just doesn't want to! Her height and weight are very good too: 11lbs. 15oz. and 23 1/2" long. She is in the 90th percentile for height...quite a shock again, given my petite DNA. Maddux did have shots today: three to be exact. I had Eli sit up on the table with her and hold her hand to comfort her. The poor girl cried worse than Eli ever did when he got shots at this age.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Pace had that problem too. We got a thing for our car seat that is made by boppy. I forget the name of it but it has a hole it in and forces them in the car seat to not go to the side they tend to go to. We also rolled up burp cloths and put on the side of his head he tilted toward and that helped. i think it's a nogging noodle. It's at babies r us in the car seat aisle in one of those end caps. It's only $9. If you are interested.