Sunday, September 09, 2007


Maddux is setting new 'records' in this family every day. She rolled over when she was just weeks old (way before Eli did), she started a heart-felt cry younger than Eli did, and now she has been to the ER before him.

Last week Maddux started to cough a little bit. She usually chokes while eating, causing a cough, but this was in non-eating times as well. Luckily her 2-month doctor appointment was already scheduled, so I had Dr. Jernigan check her out for the cough too. Her lungs and ears were clear and she hadn't had a fever yet, so there was no need to worry. Fast forward to this weekend and the cough hadn't gone away. In fact, now you could hear her cough during the night, where she hadn't been doing that before. After church I decided to call the pediatrician's nurse-line to ask a few questions and set up for another doctors appointment Monday. After answering all of the nurse's questions, she told me to take Maddux to the hospital right away, mainly because of her young age. The nurses and doctors at Children's Healthcare of ATL were great - pretty speedy too, considering it is an ER. After taking her vitals and checking her out it was determined she is still fine. Just a slight cough and nasal congestion, but no infection and no congestion on her lungs or ears. For now we are just to continue suctioning her nose (oh the joys) and keeping her hydrated. Thank goodness this happened on a weekend so Lehr could stay home with Eli! Even though the staff moved quickly, I was still there for two hours...can't imagine how Eli would have fared that visit!


Heather said...

sorry that Maddux had to go to the ER and is sick. Glad to know it's nothing major. I loved CHOA! We wound up having to go there on Mothers day last year. Pace was only 4 days old ... he was SOOOOO orange from jaundice and it was only getting worse. They got to us immediately and out of the waiting room they were so good to us as well! Scary when you are there with little ones! Hope she feels better soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear precious Maddux is ok. Lots of love and fluids usually do the trick!