Friday, June 16, 2006


That's the sound I heard all afternoon.
Eli discovered the door stop springs today. Yup, Mommy's getting ready for the day and Eli's making music.
Not too bad, I think. It will keep him entertained for a bit.
I look around the corner to see why he stopped and he's got the rubber stopper in his mouth. Great. Eli picks this moment to become 'smart' enough to pull it off of the spring. I tell him "no" and put it back on. Anyone with kids knows that lasted all of about two seconds. After three attempts to 'teach' him that I mean "no", I remove the rubber and let him play with the door stop sans protection.

Eli also discovered two new toys in his room today. One is a sign language ABC puzzle I bought before he was born. (He thinks it tastes great.)
The other is a new box of shapes which plays music. He couldn't decide which he liked better, so he alternated between the two, rolling back and forth each time he thought "No, that one is cooler".
Make that three new toys....


beth said...

Whenever I tell Sam no he just becomes that much more interested. Right now he would do anything to play behind the toilet and push on our screen door.

Now seriously, how do you get these pictures? Are you a photgrapher? I think you should consider doing portraits. Seriously.

And thank you for your last comment on my blog. It was very helpful.

Mall Worker said...

Boo is the same way. When I say no, not only does he do it anyway, he laughs about it! He gets mad when I take the offending forbidden object away, and even madder when I put him in his play pen to prevent him from turning around and doing it again!

Gina said...

That is a very similar posting to the one I did a few weeks ago (with the BOING). Boys and their toys... so cute that each toy seems to have a different taste to them! I even get the honor of being slimed... I guess I am a toy too.