Saturday, April 12, 2008

Rock Star Practice

So the kids and I had a mini concert on Friday. Again. Yes, this is a weekly (at least) event in our house because it is an easy and fun way to pass 15-20 minutes with the kids. Especially Eli. This time around he begged for Maddux to play the keyboard. She loves to do that, so it wasn't difficult convincing her. What is difficult is explaining to Eli that Max is not a puppet that he can control. Last week we were in the car and I heard him yelling to her, "Max! Talk!!" She was sleeping at the time.

Back to the practice....Eli has amped (pardon the pun) up his guitar antics recently. He is much more animated in his facial expressions and he loves, LOVES to use a 'pedal' now when he plays. He's seen the 'big guys' step on pedals at church while playing and he finds objects around the house to use as a pedal. Sometimes it's a book, sometimes it's a shoe....

Eli still prefers 'church moonic' to most other CD's; his current favorite songs are "So Good" and "Joy". He will really get into "So Good", singing "Yes, You are, yes, You are, yes, You are." as fast as he can when that verse comes up.

Maddux, meanwhile, likes to play the keyboard and drums, but she prefers to dance and sometimes clap. The music won't be on for 30 seconds before she's pushed herself into a seated position and she's rocking back and forth to the beat. When Max is really feeling the beat, she'll get into a crawl position, or pull up onto something and rock her head, headbanger style.


Heather said...

So cute! So so Cute!

bev said...

Now that is totatlly adorable! Andrew would love to play guitar with Eli. They can rock out!

Stephanie said...

OMG, how funny is he! We face many of the same "puppet" problems with Brad and Logan. He is so cute though. Just a sweet big boy!

Anonymous said...

oh my goodness! look at him! so cute!