Friday, April 25, 2008

Old Photographs

In preparation for Jazz Fest next weekend, Eli and I looked through some old pictures while Maddux napped this morning. It started with Jazz Fest (2006, when he was about 8 months old), but then I decided to show him pictures from when he was born also, since he's old enough to kinda sorta (but not really) get it now. He seems to understand when he sees pregnant women now that there is a baby inside their 'tum-meee', so I started out with a few pictures from the month before he was born. First he told me, "Max in dere!" I reminded him that these were pictures from when Eli was in there, even before Maddux was born. Then we looked at the pictures from the delivery (all G-rated). Eli loved the ones which showed the nurses measuring his stats. He pointed out, "Tape!" right away, as he has his own measuring tape in his toy box. The pictures of him wrapped up in blankets are a bit fuzzy, but he knew it was him, telling me, "Das E-I!!" (That's Eli.) I told him that yes, it was Eli. One night he was in Mommy's tummy and then the next morning he came out. Eli's response? "I dant (want) to do dat again someday, pwease."

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