Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Few Gems

After Eli's nap today he told he, "I dream about Max." We usually go through this Q&A about dreams after naptime, but mostly he tells me he had dreams about firecrackers or the beach (which I'm sure is due to my initial suggestions MONTHS ago as to what might have popped up in his dreams). The answer today came straight from him, as he was yawning and stretching, so I believe him. I asked Eli what they were doing in the dream and he said, "Payin' baseball. Max throwd it an E-i HIT!"

Eli's favorite new phrase is, "Das a good de-ah!" He uses it any time he thinks Mommy actually has some pearls of wisdom in her. Example:

Eli - "Dant to play baseball, Mommy."

Me - "OK, get your tee and bat. I'll get the bucket of balls."

Eli - "E-i hit dem far. Long way up dat hill."

Me - "Wow....if you're going to hit them far, I better get my glove so I can catch them."

Eli - "HAAAA! Das a good de-ah!!!"


Heather said...

I saw this quote today ... thought you would enjoy it ... I did!

"Perhaps everything terrible is, in it's deepest being, something that needs our love" - Ranier Maria Rilke

Kinda makes the trying times seem different. I knew this but it's always good to be reminded.

Stephanie said...

awww, that is so Bradley. I love to watch other little boys around Bradley's age... it's really neat to me.

bev said...

LOL. Every now and then we mommy's have a good idea.