Thursday, April 10, 2008

Can You Feel Her Pain?

Maddux was actually grinding her teeth yesterday afternoon. It was totally weirding me out....she only has four, yet she was gritting them together! She was not in good spirits yesterday afternoon and then most of today. Even though she missed her morning nap due to a fun day at the park, Max only napped for 45 minutes this afternoon. Yup - you read that right! My 9-month old BABY only napped 45 minutes all day long. A happy mommy that does not make, I can tell you! Needless to say, she fell asleep minutes after her bath tonight, not budging at all from the place I set her in the crib.


bev said...

Poor girl! I can definitely feel her pain! HOpeefully she's having a better day today!

Karin said...

Poor Maddie!! That girl has some personality! She is even adorable when she's miserable... hopefully those teeth will get better soon!

Anonymous said...

Poor baby!