Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Ode To Eli

With the exception of your first birthday 'letter', I don't think I've written you directly to tell you how much you add to my life. I'd like to take the time to do that now....

You amaze me daily with your ever-expanding vocabulary and your memory/recall skills. At least once a week you bring up something that happened weeks or months ago, and you 'tell' me about it. I also love how you randomly take note of anything and everything in a given room some days. You take great pride in looking around and naming any object you can see: chair, light, table, oven, door, etc.

You've only been in 'school' for a month now, but already you've won over your teachers' hearts as well. Just today one of them told me how good you are. It amazes her because you are the youngest in the class, yet you're often 'the best'. It warms my heart more than you know that you display your good behavior for other people, even (and often especially) when your dad and I are not present. We get similar reports from Sunday School, which makes me so proud.

I love that you are starting to care for Maddux more and more. You often try to make her laugh by mimicking the sounds I make when I'm changing her: goo-goo, etc. Just yesterday you asked for your sister to lie in your crib with you after your nap: a first! Then this morning you asked for the same thing. You seemed so excited to have her in there, both of you wearing your sleep 'capes', while I read you stories. And when Maddie sneezes, you always say, "Bess ou, Baby".

Last, but most definitely not least, you are so eager to please me. Even though you have your moments when you disobey, and even when you try to hit me, most of the time you are happy to "oh-bey Mommy", and you take pride in receiving praise for your behavior.

Eli, your dad and I are so thankful to have you in our lives and you are a constant source of joy for us. I love you!

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