Thursday, October 25, 2007

And The Little One Said, "Roll Over. Roll Over."

Maddux rolled over today for the first time! She's been threatening to for a while, but she had me convinced she was going to roll from back to front first, like Eli did. When she first did it, I thought it might have been a fluke, so I put her back on her stomach and watched as she repeated her new skill. Three times!

While Eli was at school, the two of us went for our twice-a-week hike at Kennesaw. Maddux obviously missed the hike (it's been raining for the last week) because she barely slept at all; she couldn't stop looking around at the trees and the sky. And she's been oh-so vocal all day, using her lips to create a humming noise that coincides with her foaming-at-the-mouth trick. (She loves to blow bubbles with her spit. She's a lady!)

1 comment:

Heather said...

How sweet when they hit those milestones! Congrats Maddie!