Sunday, July 22, 2007

First Night in Da Crib

Maddux slept in her crib last night for the first time. We tried her on Friday night, but between her 3am feeding and her 630am feeding, I kept her in the pack-n-play in our room because I was too tired to bring her all the way back to her room. Last night, however, she only woke up once between the late Saturday night nosh and her early morning breakfast, so in her room she stayed! She doesn't seem to mind her crib at all, but really, why would she? To her it's still a dark room where she's swaddled and her back in the boppy. (We have put her to sleep in the boppy for the last week because she has rolled onto her side from her back SEVERAL times, and we're worried about a full roll over while she's swaddled. On a related note, she has rolled over from her stomach to her back while doing tummy time a few times already. I'm aware it's because she's totally top-heavy due to the weight of her head, but still...much different than how long it took for Eli.)


Mir said...

What a fantastic photo, Nicole! I love her cheeks and the baby lips......delicious!

Rayne said...

I love this photo. She looks so relaxed!