Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Fork It Over!

I've been working with Eli's fork and spoon skills for a few weeks, but tonight he thoroughly impressed me. The spoon has gone nowhere fast, but Eli has taken to using the fork pretty well. (He even showed off for Grandma Cathie last week.) Tonight I filled a whole bowl full of carrots, peas and turkey sausage and let him go to town with the fork. I have to load it up for him, but he does really well at putting it directly into his mouth and pulling the food off. I think the biggest 'wow' tonight was the fact that Eli never reached his hands to the fork end or the bowl to pick up the food with his fingers; he only wanted to eat it off the end of the fork. Also, once he'd emptied the fork, he would either look at me and raise his fork or try to refill it himself by pushing it around the bowl, as he had seen me do. Talk about a sponge!

Check him out!


Damselfly said...

Great progress!

I want one of those bibs!

Glass Half Full said...

Matt learned to eat with a fork and spoon much later than Mark. When Mark looks at Matt eating his meals time after time with utensils, he HAS to do the same!!!