Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Such Is Life

Eli had a much better dinner experience last night: no complaints and he ate without any tantrums. Immediately before dinner he did neglect to pick something up that Lehr asked, however. His "no, fank you" was in a total 'cry-face' voice too, and he started to wig out. I told him (calmly) to go sit in his time out until he could get some self-control. Lehr and I were over the moon because, although he was still upset and crying, he walked right over to his carpet square and sat down. Once he served his time, I had him come back, I explained why he was in T.O., and then I told him he needed to do what Lehr had asked. He started to whine and said, "no fank you" again. So I told him he needed to return to his square until he was ready. Again, whining and crying, but he walked right over and sat down. I count this as a HUGE victory. He is totally obeying and accepting of his consequence, even though he was obviously not happy about it. In the end, he got happy and followed Lehr's directions. Then he had a great dinner.

Today I had a few more T.O. situations: Eli is hitting his sister on the head from time to time. Not in a mean or mad way, but as if she were a drum. Even though it's not too hard and Maddux doesn't seem to mind, we're tackling that issue for obvious reasons. I don't think hitting should result in chastising, so time out is my immediate fix. Again today, he went right over, even though he was very, VERY unhappy that I sent him there without so much as a warning. (There are certain issues in our house that he doesn't receive a warning for because he really does know better. Hitting is one of those issues.)

Maddux is still in full-blown mommy-preference mode. This is making daily life a little difficult for me because she'll play by herself in a room, but then catch site of me and immediately start crying as she crawls towards me. Or (my favorite), she'll be crawling in my direction and if I move and walk across the room (like when I'm cooking or putting up laundry) she'll burst into the saddest tears you've ever heard. As if I'm deserting her.... Poor, poor pitiful Max! (That's her latest nickname: Eli has called her that for months and I've officially jumped on board.)

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