Thursday, March 06, 2008

Silly Rabbit

Eli learned how to hop like a bunny in music class this week. When he got home on Tuesday we ate lunch and I asked the usual questions: How was school, what did you sing, who did you play with, etc. His answers were standard: good. nothing. no one. After his nap, however, he slipped into a new skill without any prompting. We were practicing jumping (in prep for his swim class start next Monday) and in the midst of a hope, Eli started a bunny hop. I enjoyed it for about five minutes before I got the camera, so he was pretty tired of 'performing' in this clip.

Eli's new favorite word is "silly". For quite some time he's been telling us people are 'funny'. This usually means he likes them. We'll ask, "Who plays guitar at church?", to which Eli will respond, "Mr. Baker. He's Fah-neee!!" Or "Who lives in Chicago?", "Cubbies. They're Fah-neee!" Now he'll tell me people are silly. I think it started last week when we ran out of Eli's favorite cereal, Hop-hops. Lehr ate the last bowl, so when Eli asked me for some the next morning, I told him Daddy ate them all so now we had to go to the store, and I threw in a 'silly Daddy!' at the end. Eli thought this was hilarious and he'll use it all the time now, deeming everything from Daddy to Elmo to his whiffle balls 'silly'. And when he says it, the phrase comes out "siww-ee". This is particularly funny when he says it to Maddux: "Siww-ee Gow-el!" He hears me call her 'silly girl' all the time, so of course he repeats it. Silly Eli!

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