Wednesday, March 12, 2008

On The Move

Here's a clip of Maddux's crawl....ish. She gets the job done, but it's a combination of rolling, scooting, hopping and crawling. Also, she has cat-like qualities in her play, batting around toys with her 'paws'. I remember Eli doing the same thing. Poor, confused kids!

At the end of the clip, you'll see Maddux doing some blanket time. The doll she's holding laughs and it totally cracks Mad Dog up! A taste of her excited, not-so-demure laugh occurs after the doll stops making noise.

1 comment:

Lynanne said...

I love how each child has their own crawl! My son did a version of the hop-crawl too. I posted a video back in early Nov from Halloween eve. He's is dressed as a frog, of course.

Now he's walking while holding on with one hand. How is it that time goes so FAST?

Your daughter, like your son, is a cutie, that's for sure!