Saturday, March 08, 2008

Go, Daddy, GO!!

Eli, Maddux and I went to Lehr's weekly soccer game the other night since it was earlier than usual. I purposely didn't tell Eli until right before we left, and it turned out to be a good decision. He was so excited; he could barely contain himself! Part of that excitement was the thought that Eli was going to be playing soccer, but even when he found out that was not the case, he was still pumped. We had the seating area all to ourselves, so Eli could run around if/when he needed to, but he did a pretty good job watching the game. Whenever he saw Lehr run or go after the ball, Eli would yell, "Go, Daddy, Go!" or "Kick it, Daddy!!" Maddux was not so impressed, but that's the way it seems to go these days: one is happy while the other is not.

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

ohhh it's SO exciting, lol! I love the excitement of a two year old.