Friday, March 30, 2007

You Gotta See Tha BAY-Bee....

Eli will pick up certain signs within a week's time now....Monday he started signing "apple" back to me. He sorta says "ple" while he does it, but his sign is more indicative of what he is trying to communicate. A real shocker for me: he picked up "sleep" today on the first shot! I used to do "sleep" with him way back when we were first starting out, but I dropped it a long time ago, mainly because I stopped putting him to bed (Lehr does that). Today we were in our Little Gym class and one of the moms brought her newborn in his infant carrier and set him up in the corner where he slept during class. Eli was very intrigued and kept going over to see the baby. He did great; he never once got close enough to touch or disturb him, but I still reminded him each time that it's "A baby..please don't touch." One time I said, "It's a baby. Please don't touch because he's sleeping." When Eli looked up at me, I signed "sleep". He looked back at the baby, then back at me and put his head down on his forearm like I'd done a minute before, signing "sleep". He continued this during the class every time he got close to the baby.

Oh, and as for the picture: Eli found his 1st Birthday Hat this morning and requested to wear it while he played before class.


Anonymous said...

What a Ham!!!!!

Terri said...

my Eli wore that same hat :)