Monday, March 26, 2007

Midwife Appointment

Today was the big Gestational Diabetes test day. For those who have not had the pleasure, it includes the patient (me) drinking 8-10 oz of a very sugary orange soda-ish liquid and then hanging around for an hour before the lab draws blood to test. Luckily Lehr was able to help me out in the Eli department again, because I'm not sure how keen he would have been on sitting 'quietly' for an hour or more. Besides the test we heard the heart beat again (still strong) and the midwife measured my stomach to make sure I was progressing at a rate comparable to the baby's gestational age. After the next appointment we will go to 2-week visits. YIKES! This pregnancy is going so much faster than last time; we're already at 25 weeks! Also, this baby is giving Eli a run for his money in the kicking department. When s/he decides to stretch his/her legs and arms, look out!

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