Friday, March 16, 2007

Boy, Oh Boy!

Eli and Lehr got me a nice new camera for my birthday, so expect more pictures this week. This one is showing off one of the many bruises Eli currently possesses (center of his forehead - mostly just yellow now). He had three head contusions this week (one scrape, one scab and one bruise), all from different incidences. And don't get me started on his legs.... Due to the unseasonably warm weather this last week, Eli has been wearing shorts most of the time and we've been outside whenever he is not eating or sleeping. The result is more slivers, scrapes, bruises and scratches than I can count. This one is all boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday!!

And WOW, Eli looks so grown up in that picture! Less like a toddler and more like a little boy than even a week ago!!