Monday, September 08, 2008

How Sweet It Is....

Eli started school last week and he was a little apprehensive. Not enough for him to ask not to go, but he went through a list of questions for me each day: "Mommy be dere? Mrs. Jane be dere? Max be dere?" and so on. So we read "The Kissing Hand" in preparation and when the first day arrived, I kissed Eli's palm, just like the book. Eli called it 'Mommy's special kiss' and he held it tight all day. That night he asked for another 'special kiss' to take to bed with him. The following morning I barely had his bedroom door open when I heard him say, "I dropped Mommy's special kiss!! I need 'nother one!" Life is good.

Fast forward to this afternoon. Max has been in a sour mood all day, most likely due to that SAME eye-tooth that will not cut. We were downstairs playing and Eli asked very nicely if he could get some water, 'all by self'. I told him yes and immediately Maddie followed Eli to the kitchen. Since he could not get her a cup with a top, nor could he work the top if he could reach it, I hoped he would just share his with her, but I wanted to see what he did first. I heard the water pour into his cup. Then I heard Mad Dog start to grunt a little and Eli told me, "She say 'please', Mommy." I told him she was asking for water, please. He said, "I share mine wiff her?" I told him that would be very nice. Then I heard him tell her, in a low, patient voice (they were just out of my view and I didn't want to ruin the moment by intruding), "No, Maddie...I hold it for you. No. No hands. I do it for you. Dere go." This is when surveillance cameras would be helpful. To have that footage on hand would make any bad day instantly better.


Traci said...

Oh...The Kissing Hand was our special book that we read before Peyton's first year of preschool (last year). It's such a great book! =)

Kaci said...

That is so sweet! Gotta love those moments.