Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Beach Vacation: Day Four

Maddux was the first to wake this morning; 7:30 found our house up and ready for another day of fun in the sun. As usual, we headed down to the beach first. Eli ran straight for the water and never looked back. He not only ran with the waves today, he also went out 'way far' with Daddy and D to go boogie boarding. Eli had a blast laying on the board and riding the waves. Maddie stayed on the beach with me for most of that time, but she also loves the water. We sat in front of a section of the ocean that had a long, shallow section, so she was able to walk and fall without going under (much). Then D dug a massive hole and all three kids (Eli, Maddie and Lehr) took turns sitting inside and getting some shade.

Due to her early rise, Mad Dog was so sleepy that she snuggled up to D and almost fell asleep at one point. Before we came back for lunch, we stopped by the pool for a short while. Eli swam under the water, using his goggles to look for dive sticks. And Maddux had a blast swimming (on her own) back and forth between Lehr and I, or between the wall and one of us. I love love love how much both of them enjoy the water. Eli could not stop putting his face in the water to swim like "my-call felps!" (Michael Phelps) He even went under a few times when he wasn't swimming to see other people under the water. After naps we opted to ride bikes and play at some of the great parks on the campus instead of going back in the water. Eli really enjoyed helping us play boccie ball, and Maddie used her dive sticks to hit wiffle balls off of the baseball tee.

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