Sunday, June 29, 2008

La La La La Lemon

Hooray! Eli can pronounce "L" now! The day before we left Tahoe Eli said his name very clearly, out of the blue: E-Lie. He doesn't hit the 'lll' sound in every word, but more times than not he uses it. His new vocabulary now includes: E-L-i, L-ogan, ba-L, and llllll (his favorite). Eli's please is still 'pweese' and help is still 'he-p', but we're getting there!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wait for the L each day. Over here it is still, "I have yots and yots of them!" One day soon, perhaps:)

Oh, and any sort of st or sp sound is replaced by fff. "I want to go on the fing!"