Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day Seven: Tahoe Trip

The smoke got us again. Lehr and I got up early, got dressed in our bike attire and prepared to leave, but after seeing the thick smoke in the air, we skipped our bike ride again today. We ended up trail running a little bit, but three minutes of running at a time was about all we could handle due to the burning lungs. So instead, we packed and played with the kids all day. Eli took another long trip down to the creek. He fell in again, but this time it was Lehr's fault. Eli had crossed (on rocks) and was sitting on a rock by the shore. Apparently (as Eli tells it), when Lehr crossed over the rocks, he kicked Eli in the creek. Lehr assures me that his boot caught Eli and it was not an actual 'kick'. Maddux took a few steps for Grandma Cathie (finally!). Last night she (Maddie, not Grandma) took a bath in the kitchen sink. She loved it! We repeated that tonight and Maddux tried to wash the dishes that were next to her in the other sink. Eli played several innings of baseball with Grandpa Jim, Mommy and Daddy. Lehr drew him an extra cool field complete with a Cubs-specific on-deck circle. That kid has it good!! Tomorrow we wake up before the sun and get on a plane. Hopefully this flight will go as smoothly as the first one!

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