Thursday, May 01, 2008


Maddux is suffering from teeth, allergies, or a cold (or all three). Her temp has gone up and down a little in the last few days and she's producing enough clear mucus for three people (not to mention the drooling). The main issue with this is her sleep is being affected. The drip down the back of her throat is causing her to cough when she lies down which makes sleeping a little restless for her. We've not had to go in and comfort her, but I can hear her coughing through the night, so I know she's not sleeping well. The screaming at mealtimes is still present, but we are being consistent with pushing her back from the table when she acts up. Eli says, "Max time out?" That kid picks up on everything!

On a side note, a friend pointed out a Ponseti-mention in Time Magazine. Apparently Time asked previous "Time 100" recipients to nominate someone for this year's list. Dr. Ponseti didn't make the final cut for the 2008 World's Most Influential People list, but the article is here if you're interested (only a small blurb).

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

she is absolutely beautiful! I hope she feels better soon.