Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Moments Like These...

Today has been a good day so far. These are the days I live for. In addition to some good, 'fun' behavior, Eli also made a few learning connections that I got to watch which amazes me every time I see one. Oh how I love this age (some days)...let me count the ways:

- We have only had two time outs today. And they both remedied the problem. Life is good.

- Eli reached up for my hand while we walked through the church on our way to his MMO classroom this morning. He's done that a handful of times, but ONLY when I've asked or reached for it. We were walking side by side today and all of the sudden I just felt a little hand inside mine. Melt melt....

- Even though he was a bit hesitant when he first got to his classroom today, Eli did not cry when I left him at MMO.

- When I woke Eli up this morning he asked me to read him a book, which he often does these days. Instead of saying, "boooh", he said "boooooh-K". Very cool to see a consonant added. Then later in the car he did the same thing with the word "bat". We always talk about baseballs and basketballs these days, since those are his favorite words right now. So he said "De-bohl HUUUP!" (baseball hoop) to which I replied that there is no baseball hoop, but there is a baseball bat. His previous word for bat was 'baahh'. Today he said (and repeated and repeated and repeated) "ba-TT". He then smiled and seemed very proud of himself.

- Eli loves to try and wink, but it always ends up looking like his crazy chicken face. I love it all the same.

- As we drove home from MMO, we stopped at the same stoplight (located next to a gas station) that we stop at almost every time we come home. Eli is always fascinated and we always talk about the gas and the pump. Today he kept pointing over and saying something unintelligible. Then he said, "Daddy". I suddenly remembered that Lehr told me he vacuumed out my car the other night, and Eli was in fact pointing to a coin car-vacuum station. So I asked Eli, "Did Daddy take you to vacuum out the car?" He smiled and nodded as he repeated, "Daddy". Then he lifted his foot and said "P-Fee" (which is how Eli says 'feet'). And he kept repeating that while touching his shoes. Knowing Lehr like I do, I asked Eli, "Did Daddy vacuum your feet?" He smiled and repeated "P-fee". (Of course I called Lehr when Eli went down for his nap to verify the story. He laughed and confirmed the events.)

On a not-so-great, dummy Mommy note, I sent Eli to MMO this morning with a peanut butter sandwich. Hello....not so smart considering the amount of kids out there these days with nut allergies. We were out of turkey and cheese this morning, so I grabbed the only other thing I could think of. When I picked Eli up, his favorite worker asked me if it was PB on his sandwich. As soon as she asked, I realized what I'd done. I apologized over and over because I felt like such an idiot. She told me not to worry about it, but Eli didn't get to eat it today because there was another child in the class this morning with a very severe nut allergy. I'm sure it won't be the last time Eli 'suffers' because of Mommy's (lack of) intelligence.

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