Monday, June 25, 2007

38-week Midwife Appointment

No news is good news, I guess. The midwife did not check me, so I'm assuming I'm dilated to somewhere between 1-3cm. I had several 'episodes' of mildly painful back pain this week that could not be remedied with ice or massage. Although it was bearable, it was a bit reminiscent of the early stages of back labor I had with Eli, so I'm thinking it was the baby moving down.Lehr surprised me by showing up at the appointment which was much appreciated due to the amount of time we had to wait in one of the smaller waiting rooms (which was, of course, full of expecting women without toddlers). He entertained Eli by walking him around the halls and looking at pictures of other babies posted near the lab.

A few friends from church took me to a 'ladies night out' dinner at my favorite restaurant tonight and supplied great 'me-time' and a few gifts also. Thanks again, Megan and Shannon!!!

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