Saturday, June 02, 2007

Fair Share

Eli and Cooper hung out by the pool this evening and I could not be happier about the way things went. Although Eli does not always share as well as I wish he would, he definitely shows a willingness at least half the time. Today he went above and beyond my expectations. We went to the kiddie pool and showed the boys all of the cheap plastic toys I'd picked up at Target recently. Since Eli's favorite water toy seems to be the watering can, I picked up another one, so he could share while still enjoying one for himself. As soon as Cooper got in the water (Eli was already in the pool with both cans), Eli walked over to him and handed him one of his prized watering cans (the newer one, in fact) without any prompting. Amazing.....I've not seen him share so willingly (when there was nothing for him to gain in return) before. A while later, we had the boys at a table eating their dinners. Eli was very forward about sharing his sandwich with Cooper more than a few times. There is hope yet!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Way to go Eli! Good job mom and dad! Isn't it great when your little ones do the things you try your hardest to teach ... and to do it unprompted. Those are sweet days!