Friday, July 28, 2006

Maybe, Just Maybe....

I really hope I'm not jinxing myself here, but I'm pretty sure Eli finally signed to me this morning. As always, for at least five months now, I signed to him during his breakfast: "more", "eat", "drink", "please". But he always seems very unwilling to do the signs for himself. This was true this morning also, though I did try to entice him with puffs. Fast forward a few hours: we're sitting in the living room and I pull out the puffs for a small snack. I thought I noticed his hands go together ("more") out of the corner of my eye, but I didn't want to say anything, in case I was wrong. Luckily I had a friend and her daughter at the house, and she brought it up first. So, hopefully the fact that a witness noticed it before I said anything means it was real!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there with the signing — I started with Edie when she was 9 months old, and I got frustrated early on because she wasn't doing it back — now (at nearly 15 months) she's totally caught on, and she's signing all kinds of things to me: "All done," "More," "Eat," "Diaper" (for when she's poopy) and a couple other ones -- and that's with me being the total slacker that I am and not really pushing the whole signing thing.

Not sure if you're still reading my site, but I check yours periodically -- Eli's a doll. :-)