Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Shout Out to KOL

If you know the Eliason family, you know that we're not big on music that is specifically made for kids. Unless it's They Might Be Giants, we probably don't own it or play it. But we are big on music. And the kids have really taken to it also. What this means is Eli and Maddux usually sing along with songs you might not expect. Eli used to ask for me to sing "Ruby" before he went to bed. Maddie dances to "Single Ladies". And both kids love Michael Franti. As of late, the kids have been on a Kings of Leon kick. I have a few CD's in the car, and they are getting played a lot right now. Maddie will ask for 'keenleon', and Eli loves "Use Somebody". The other night, as the four of us sat down for dinner, Mad Dog looked at Lehr and said, "Donn knock-kit!!" Lehr and I burst out laughing. That little girl picks up on lyrics as quick as Eli does. (KOL's song, "Notion" repeats "Don't Knock It" in the chorus.)

A few verbal gems from Eli today. We were playing baseball outside and I told Eli I'd pitch to him if he helped me find some whiffle balls. He started looking for them and said to me, "You're a nice mommy." Then after lunch, he and Maddux were running around their train table, being goofy. Maddie was wearing a pair of shorts that is still on the big side. As they were halfway down her diaper, Eli pointed to her and said, "Your britches are falling down! Lemme help you." He got her to stop so he could pull the shorts back up to her waist. What not-yet-four-year-old do you know that uses the word 'britches'?? Those kids are something....

1 comment:

JEN said...

I LOVE how you are like us and let your kids listen to not so kiddish music! KOL are one of our faves, and Owen likes them too!