Saturday, June 13, 2009


After naps today, the four of us went to the pool. Since the pool has opened, we've been three times. The first time, Eli wouldn't jump in and barely let go of Lehr. The second time, he 'swam' on his own a little and jumped in a few times. Today he was back to the old Eli PLUS some. He jumped in, off of the side and the diving board, he 'swam' on his own, he learned how to pull himself up out of the pool on the edge, and he tread water, seemingly effortlessly. He did some diving (which was belly flop-ish), as well as some 'pencil jumps'. I am SO excited for lessons to start on Monday as this boy is prime to become a fish.

Maddux loves the water, but she has yet to jump in. She did her hands-on-the-pool's-bottom swim most of the time in the baby pool. It was so full today that this caused her head to be under quite a bit. She didn't mind at all!! She swam with Daddy in the big pool a little and she let him hold her as he jumped off of the diving board. Maddie's swim with Daddy mostly consists of her letting him pull her through the water as she points her feet and legs straight behind her, not moving at all.

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