Wednesday, August 07, 2013

First Day of School

Maddux and Eli got on the big yellow bus this morning, off to another year of school. Even though this is only the second year of 'real' school for Maddux, it seems like she's been going for years. She's a pro at the Meet-n-Greet and the bus and all of the back-to-school prep stuff. Eli is too, but this was his 4th (4th!?!?) August catching the bus.

Both kids love their teachers, and they each have a few friends in their class. Eli's teacher is a male this year; not something you often come across at the elementary level, so he is very excited. Maddux is in a class with her good friend, Davis. We'll see if that's a good thing or not.

Our bus stop grew by two this year, making it very full. The year that Eli started, there were only three kids there!!

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