Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dancing Queen

Maddux loves to dance around. And jump around. And flail around. And do anything but stand still. At all times. A prime example was this weekend when I was walking through a parking lot with her, holding her hand. She jumps one step, then skips one, then leaps over a crack on one, then goes boneless so I have to support her. It's a miracle my arm wasn't pulled out of its socket! The funny thing is, I didn't think anything of it because that's ALWAYS the way it is when I walk and hold her hand. She is a body in motion.

So after school one day last week, we were playing on the back porch. Maddux was blowing bubbles, so I was taking pictures, of course. Then she stopped with the bubbles and started dancing. Spinning around, mainly, because she was wearing a dress. On top of that, she caught her reflection in the glass doors and couldn't stop watching herself. I love that girl!

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