Friday, May 15, 2009

Slow Week

Sorry for the lack of posting lately. This has been a trying week with the kids, to say the least. Both seem to have a crazy spring/summer fever thing going, especially Eli. If I say 'up', he sits on the ground. If I say 'stop', he is running as fast as possible. And so on and so on. Maddie is not far behind him, unfortunately. It's not been a fun week for anyone in our house.

But as always, it's the silver lining moments that keep me going. Last night (after an especially exasperating day), Eli and Maddux sat on the couch with us to read books together as a family. Eli very nicely, but very firmly voiced his desire to sit next to Maddie. And as we read, he randomly leaned over and gave her head a few kisses. In turn, she rubbed his hair a few times. Those darn kids KNOW how cute they are, I swear. They were just trying to play up to my soft-spot for sibling affection.

Maddux has some new 'stuff' right now. She overheard Eli playing "Red Light, Green Light" recently. The other day she and I were in the car and all she said, for about five straight minutes, was "Red Lyy-tt. GOOOO. Red Lyy-tt. GOOOO." It was hilarious. She also recognizes some of our usual songs in the car now. Eli's favorite is "Happy Day" from our recent church recording. When it comes over the speakers, Maddux can know be heard saying, "App-EE Dey! App-ee Dey!!"

Yesterday morning I was trying to get Eli to obey in one way or another, and Maddux was downstairs by herself for about five minutes. No biggie...the gates were closed and she was *pretty* safe. (*I realized no child left unattended is every really safe. A nanny-cam would point that out to me really quickly, I'm sure.) So we went downstairs and I found Maddux sitting on the kitchen floor with several sippy cups around her, all filled to varying levels. The good news was, she was sitting, like we've told her to do when she drinks. The bad news is, we've been working SO hard with her on not helping yourself to cups and drinks. Obviously my smile and camera-click probably reinforced her disobedience. We've now moved the cups. (She actually didn't spill too much, considering what she was doing.)

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