Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Go Speed Racer

Eli and Maddux had their second Christmas on Monday with Grandma Cathie and Grandpa Jim. Eli's favorite gift by far is a small race track with a special Lightning McQueen car that goes around and around (and around and around). He LOVES this thing and he's tested almost all of his other matchbox cars to see if they'll work (so far only one does, kinda). The first day he got it, Eli seriously sat in front of it for an hour....that is a LONG time for that 3-year-old!

Maddux is working on another tooth, but she's still giving Grandma and Grandpa some fun times. Her new lip pout is the most talked about attribute. She uses it all of the time, not just when she's sad. It's like she's experimenting with new facial expressions. Maddie received several books and a flashlight, which she loves.

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