Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Program

Eli had his very first school performance yesterday. As a dutiful parent with a video camera, I was there, taping the whole thing. It wasn't as boring as many might be in the future, mainly because it was short and to the point. The kids (3 and 4-years-old) all walked in wearing school shirts and paper reindeer antlers. Each child held the gift they brought to give to Toys for Tots. As they passed a large table, they put their gift on the table, 'presenting' it to the Marine who was there to receive them on behalf of Toys for Tots. The director made a short speech, thanking the Marine for coming, and he gave a short speech thanking us. Then the students lined up in front and sang a few songs, complete with jingle bells. I was amazed at the level of silence that could be heard when the music teacher asked the children to focus on her and not shake their bells. These kids are only pre-schoolers, but they listened so well! The funniest part for me was Eli's form of participation. He shook his bells and followed instructions, but I can't exactly say he sang.... His mouth was wide open the whole time (imagine a goldfish mouth), but through lack of lip movement, it was obvious that if he was forming sounds, they weren't the ones that went along with the song of the moment. Regardless, he definitely had fun, standing next to his buddy and participating the way he knew how.

2008 Eli School Christmas Program from Nicole Eliason on Vimeo.

1 comment:

SmallvilleMom said...

That is SO funny! What was he singing? Ava sure enjoyed watching it. She was screaming and shaking her arms when the kids were singing.