Friday, November 02, 2007

What Could Have Been A Rough Night....

I was alone with the kids last night, so I tried to be creative with ways to kill the time between nap/dinner/bedtime. (This is a witching 'hour' for both of them.) After Eli's nap, the three of us went to Sope Creek to hike a bit in an effort to have some fun and wear Eli out simultaneously. We walked all the way around the big pond (maybe 3/4 mile?) before coming back to the dock to throw sticks and stones in the water. Or at least, what is left of the water...the drought has left it quite low!

I am happy to report that Eli had a great time! He hiked with me, stopping once in a while to pick up a new stick or rock, or to point out something in the scenery: a squirrel, a fallen tree, etc. When we walk at home, we allow Eli to get out of his stroller at the top of our street and walk (or 'DUN!', as Eli tells it) the rest of the way. He knows that if he hears a car, he is to quickly move to the gutter on the side of the street. He applied this practice to our hike also: when he heard a trail runner approaching, he moved out of the way and stopped our progress so he could watch them pass. I was so proud!

Another great moment for me was our time at the dock. About five minutes before we got to the dock, I told Eli that he could throw rocks and sticks in the water, but he had to sit down first. I had Maddux strapped to my front in the Bjorn, and due to the force Eli uses to throw, I did not want to make a trip into the water. (Remember this?) So we approach the dock and before I can remind Eli, he runs to the edge, sits down, and starts chucking his rocks. Wow. I was speechless. SO, so proud. Of course, minutes later we were walking back to the car and he had a meltdown so I had to carry him up the hill to the parking lot. Keep in mind that I still had Maddie strapped to my front. Oh yeah, Proud Mommy got put in her place!!

We returned home to make a quick dinner and get ready for bed. Luckily Maddux went down for a 30 minute nap while Eli and I ate. We were even able to play with some magic bubbles on the back porch before bath time. Eli had a blast when he was able to 'catch' one without popping it. His bath and story time went great, even though Maddux woke up right after the bubbles. She managed to hold it together until I put him to sleep, which meant I did not have to simultaneously give two baths. (Have I mentioned how excited I am for Maddux to be able to share a bath with her brother soon?!) Eli didn't cry at all when I left the room. In fact, during the last song, he said "Mommy. Dark. Peeez?" Love it.

Of course, things don't always go smoothly. Once I put Eli down, I gave Maddux a bath and nursed her. After 20 minutes she was done. I put her in her crib and left only to have her wake up ten minutes later screaming. I went back in after about five, and nursed her again. Apparently she had not finished before. This meant I was 'on-duty' until 9:40PM. And Eli was in his room with the lights out at 8PM. Something is wrong with that picture. Oh least she slept till 7:30AM! All in all, a GREAT night considering I was pulling double duty.

Today we had a play-date with Eli's friend, Gracie. He woke up the morning and said "Gay-see" first thing - he was excited! The two played well together, but Eli's teeth did cause a few small meltdowns. He did great in the car though, which is huge considering it's an hour drive (each way).

1 comment:

Heather said...

So awesome! Isn't it great when they catch on to what you say and actually do it? LOVE IT!

You have the witching hours too? I thought those only came in my home :) LOL! Oh the fun of doing them alone!!!

Hope you guys have a great weekend!