Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Happiest Toddler on the Block....No, really!

Cheese and crackers, I'm happy!! Eli had a great day at MMO this morning and I am walking on air! He woke up later than usual, even though I tried to make extra noise so he might wake up 'on his own' before 9AM (I was hoping to drop him off and make it to a step class at the gym....didn't happen thanks to Mr. Sleepyhead). When he finally woke up, he was in a great mood and wanted to play instead of having breakfast, which is unlike him, but who am I to squash a good mood!? So after his leisurely morning we got in the car and sang our way to MMO. I dropped him off and he cried, but only for a minute. (They had Sesame Street on in the corner and I think that caught his attention.) Three hours later when I picked him up I poked my head in, expecting to see one of the workers holding Eli, as they usually are in the late portion of his stay. Instead I saw him smiling and playing with a toy house and another child. HIP HIP HOORAY!!! He didn't even cry when he saw me (which he usually does...kinda like 'i forgot i missed you!!!'). He continued to play until I opened the door and came in to give him a hug and even then he didn't whine to be picked up and showered with affection and promises to never leave him again. He smiled and hung out while I gathered his things and talked to the two women who work in his room. It turns out he had a great day with the exception of when one of them had to leave the room for a minute. He would cry then, but once they returned he was ok. Seriously....I can't express how happy I am that Eli might be getting over this bout of separation anxiety!

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