Saturday, June 19, 2010

God Sugar

So if you know me, you are probably going to roll your eyes and remind me that all of the things I say I don't do I really DO do, but I'm still sticking with my story. I do not obsess about food labels. And I do not constantly tell my kids to not eat sugar or sugary things because they are the devil. But we do talk about sugar sometimes. And we talk about the kinds of food that best fuel our body. At the end of the day, our aim is moderation. When they ask for another nectarine after they've already had two, I tell them that it might make their stomach hurt, so let's try another food instead. And yes, sugar does come up from time to time, but usually when they ask me about it, not the other way around. When it comes up, it's always Eli asking if a particular food has sugar in it. Like grapes. I usually tell him that it has sugar that God put in there, rather than sugar that someone else put in there (like in candy or lollipops). Eli brings this kind of conversation to the table a lot. He's just that kid that likes to think through every little thing.

Fast forward to today when I hear him in the other room with D talking about a snack. Eli asks D about his snack and then tells him that what he's eating (apples) has "God sugar" in it, which is ok, but you still can't eat too much of it. Love that kid.

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