Friday, September 11, 2009

Day of Love

Crazy day, but a great one. ELi had school and Maddux and I had SO many errands to run. Two doctor's office visits to pick up paperwork, for starters. Maddux did great, happily walking in and out of each office only to return to the car seat and drive across town again. We finished just in time to pick Eli up and go home for lunch. For the first time this week, Eli got in the car after school and STAYED in a good mood. We had smoothies, turkey and crackers for lunch; I prepared while the kids played in the back yard. Eli offered to help Maddux on the swings. They both washed their hands before eating without any grumbling. I seriously had to pinch myself!

After lunch I asked if they wanted to have a 'family shower' before naps. They get a real kick out of coming into the 'big shower' and playing with toys under the 'rain'. No one slipped and they had a great time. As soon as they got out I wrapped Eli in a towel and Maddux hugged him from behind and they walked into the other room that way - hugging. I could not believe how sweet they were being with each other. And when I put lotion on Maddux, she put some on Eli's feet. And when I put it on Eli, he rubbed some on her arm. Then Eli offered to help Maddie put her shorts on. It is really neat when you see your children help others - it reminds you that they listen to every thing you say and really absorb it. Eli's dialogue with Maddux as he was trying to help her was like listening to myself when I help him. We finished up with a story on the couch and a round of hugs and kisses. Eli said something about loving to be with his sister because she was his best friend. (MELT!!) And they both gave me the biggest hugs ever, and Eli told me, "I really love you, Mommy." I was tempted to slip them some NyQuil so they'd sleep from 2PM through the night. It was such a perfect day that I kind of wanted it to end right there....

1 comment:

bev said...

That's beautiful! It really makes your heart swell.