Monday, September 21, 2009

Beach Day 4

Wow...great morning! The kids sleep until at least 730am (830am their time)! After a leisurely breakfast (more dutch babies), we packed up the cars and drove a few miles down the road to another beach. We knew it had more open sand area, and we hoped for more playing opportunities for the kids. Unfortunately there was lots of car traffic on the beach, which we didn't expect. The kids still had a good time, but we definitely had to keep an eye on them!

After lunch we let Eli stay up with Cooper to watch a movie while the girls napped. He loved this! Such a special treat to watch Toy Story with his buddy. On top of that, the boys wore their matching shirts today...cuteness. When quiet time was over, we rode our bikes over to the Frog Pool. Once again, the kids were all over it. Eli borrowed some of Cooper's goggles and learned how to swim down low so he could glide through Daddy's legs. So fun. And Maddux was her usual goofy self, jumping in and out several times.

I really need to add a side note here to talk about the puppy love that has been brewing. Eli is all about Finley. He wants to ride with her in the bike buggy every time we use the bikes, he wants to sit next to her for every meal, and he is always concerned with how she's doing. During a meltdown sometime this week, he cried out saying, "I want Mommy!", then "I want Daddy!", and THEN "I want Finley!!" And when Fin got her bottle a few nights ago, we are pretty sure she was saying "I want E-i do it!!"

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