Thursday, November 30, 2006

Donation Corner: Helping Others Help Themselves

For the month of December I'm spotlighting a charity known as Ready, Willing & Able. This program, which is connected to the Doe Fund, is a holistic, residential, work and job skills training program designed to help homeless become self-sufficient. RW&A has helped over 2,250 homeless men and women through drug programs, employment placement and housing. The program targets the segment of the homeless population considered the hardest to serve: single, able-bodied adults, the majority of whom have histories of incarceration and substance abuse. Criteria for acceptance into the program is that the applicant be ready, willing and able, both physically and mentally, to work and maintain a drug-free lifestyle. Those who come to Ready, Willing & Able do so because they are ready to ready to be productive and useful, and they are ready to take back control of their lives.

I have no problem giving to charities to help those who can't help themselves, but I feel one that teaches people how to get themselves out of the position of needing charity is a very deserving one. The greatest gift you can give is self-sufficiency and a sense of self-worth. Ready, Willing & Able not only provides employment, but it teaches the trainees how to save money, pay bills, and obtain stable employment so they can support themselves and their families. If you feel so moved as to contribute, please click on the link above as there are many ways you can contribute.

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