Monday, October 02, 2006

Sweet Home Atlanta

I have never been as glad to land in Atlanta as I was today. If anyone reading was on Delta flight 1174, or any other flight in the area anywhere between Nevada and Georgia today, you would know why. Eli was not a happy camper for the entire flight. He got up at 6am so we could get to the Reno airport and he didn't sleep again until 25 minutes before we touched down in Atlanta. That's right....approximately seven straight hours of waketime for someone who can do four on a really good day. Lehr and I alternated walking around the cramped plane for most of the time; I even had two grandmothers offer to help me get him to sleep since he was so obviously unable to be soothed. Whatever...I have been on many a plane full of screaming kids in my day and I have never once given the parents of said kids the evil eye, so I figure I have some good karma points banked up.

Despite the last five hours, our trip out west was great. Pictures are uploading now, so I'll post details tomorrow.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

That stinks. I've only flown twice with one of the kids (Brandon, 6 months, Jake, 10 months) and they both slept the whole way. Then again, the flight was only 2 1/2 hours. Glad you made it home safe and sane!! Love ya!