Friday, October 06, 2006

The Big Dipper

For about a month now Eli has been eating with a fork about once a day, but we have to really work with him to make that happen, considering he cannot get the food onto his fork by himself. I decided to start trying the spoon with him now because it should be easier to load that utinsil on his own. Last night I gave him his little dipper (a flat ended plastic utinsil that he can dip into thick foods) with his applesauce and millet while I made dinner. I showed him once or twice what to do and he seemed to catch on pretty well. If I stopped paying attention he tended to allow his fingers to wander into the bowl, but that's to be expected, right?

1 comment:

BlondeBrony said...

Totally to be expected. Isn't it great watching them grow?