Saturday, July 25, 2015

Week of Eli

Maddux was at Winshape for five nights, so it gave me a lot of time for one-on-one that I wouldn't normally have with Eli. The week started with a really fun night: Eli joined me for my weekly photography group.

So. Much. Fun.
Eli and I grabbed a quick dinner right before at a restaurant that we rarely get to, but he loves. Then Eli, armed with my back-up camera, joined me and two other women as we perused the Marietta Square and took photos along the way. Eli really got into it and it was a great opportunity for me to work with him on some things that I never get to normally. At the same time, it was a great 'sticky faith' moment for Eli and one of the other women. We finished off the night with a quick ice cream cone.
Eli, Ruby and I spent much time at the pool also. We only had friends with us a few times, so it provided more family time. So cool. It was great to see him spend time with Ruby without Maddux in the mix too. She makes the BEST big sister, but that definitely doesn't allow for much chance for Eli to get in there.
Finally, the two kids and I went to Ruby's therapy group on Thursday. Eli has been to Gigi's before, but this may have been the first time he went with just me and Ruby. He did a great job, playing with Ruby and also interacting with a few of the other kids.

Overall, this week was a nice calm week. Maddux, in no way, is the reason for the chaos that often is our daily life with three kids, but Eli definitely responds in a great way when there are less people vying for my attention. It was nice to slow down for a week and notice the other side of him.

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