Monday, August 23, 2010

First Day of School for Mad Dog

Maddux started her first day of pre-school at St. Catherine's this morning. After much debate, I moved her to a different school this year...long story short is I think it will be a better fit for her. Her previous school was awesome; Eli was there for three years and Maddux, one. However I know that Maddux has a different presence in the classroom, so to hopefully maximize her learning potential, she's at this school now. (Wow....that was a weird sentence to write! Honestly, NO hard feelings at the other school - I really just think this one will be a better fit for her personality!)

Mad Dog was so excited. Ever since Eli started school a few weeks back she has been basically begging me to go to school. In fact, all summer long she's been talking about "Saint Cafrooms" (as she calls it). Her day finally arrived and she woke up with a smile. (Not that she ever doesn't!) We packed her lunch the night before, because her class eats right before the parents arrive. In the morning we picked out a first-day outfit, and then she was off. Even though we did not have to leave for another thirty minutes, she insisted we drive to school as soon as she finished her cereal. (I barely managed to get a few first day pictures!) That meant that we waited in the parking lot for about twenty minutes before I could walk her to her class. She didn't mind that as much as waiting at home; at least in the parking lot she could see the school and playground.

When I walked her to her class she barely squeezed me back when I hugged her because she was in such a rush to get to the toys and kids. And when I picked her up, she did not want to leave because she was far too busy drawing on the Magna-Doodle! I guess that's a sign she likes it.....

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